
I've been pulling my hair out over
concurrency problems with SQLite 3.
SQLITE_MISUSE, I get them all.

Over the last few weeks, I've been
strictly debugging SQLite problems
in my application [ http://openconnector.org ].
No program logic besides fixing
( and apparently creating in the
process ) SQLite errors.

http://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q17 ,
http://www.sqlite.org/lockingv3.html ,
and http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=MultiThreading
are good starts but similar do not
provide enough ( any? ) real code

Simply, I think it work be a _great_
service to the SQLite user
community if someone, or a few
people _experienced_ in working with
SQLite in a massive multithreaded
environment would write a short
tutorial with *real code* examples
explaining best practices around
using SQLite 3 API in a multithreaded
environment.  Just the basics really.

The tutorial, and its short examples
should cover issues like, do we use
a do(){...}while() loop or busy
handler to handle SQLITE_BUSY? When
do you use either?  How do
we use the different transaction
types properly.  It could give real
code implementation of the pseudo
code examples in the concurrency
listed above for example.

Basically it should be something of
a 'mini-cookbook' still approach at
SQLite 3 concurrency.

I'm willing to give up $100 US for a
helpful tutorial with sufficient
tested real code snipnets.  Not asking
for something that would take more
than a day or day to write.  If anyone
else thinks this is a good idea and
would like to contribution to this
bounty that would be great.


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