On 2016/11/01 1:01 PM, Simon Slavin wrote:
On 1 Nov 2016, at 10:45am, R Smith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za> wrote:

  D - Horrible if you up some key value significantly and then update it back 
down, because there is no way the Autoinc value should *EVER* be able/allowed 
to come back down. It's a one-way street.
This is an additional argument for not allowing UPDATE to change an "INTEGER PRIMARY 

Well, either that, or an argument for not letting UPDATE dictate the next incremental key value. While I think this argument carries equal merit both ways (perhaps leaning more towards your suggestion), the consequence of disallowing a column to be updated is too great a disadvantage in my opinion (Even if it didn't break backwards compatibility).

Which, according to GB, is what some other SQL engines do: attempts to change a 
value in that column using UPDATE always generate an error.  I didn't know 
that.  I looked it up.  Apparently Microsoft's SQLSERVER blocks it, but I was 
unable to find anything mentioning how any of the other big SQL engines handles 

Indeed, though MSSQL maintains what it calls "Identity" columns, which (IIUC) is like Autoincrement Primary Key (but need not be the official PK) that cannot be Updated. I don't know enough of it as I tend to avoid it when using MSSQL. MySQL definitely allows updates to Autoinc columns, and even updates the next key. Not sure about PostGres, but it is clearly not a blanket assumption that can be made. Seems everybody has their own take, which is ok, it just emphasizes what I tried to point out previously - This AUTOINC thing is a luxury item, not a mandated one, and one best avoided when you can roll your own.

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