I've got a query that I've tried a few times here that seems like it's hanging 
up on something and I'm wondering if it's just some brain dead thing I'm 
forgetting or doing wrong.

I've got a database with a bunch of records, and am trying to populate a table 
in another database with coordinate extremes for each state. Using the CLI I 
open up the side database, attach the main one and run

insert into coordExtremes select State, min(Latitude), max(Latitude), 
min(Longitude), max(Longitude) from foo.bar group by State;

Twice I've left that running overnight and it's still been sitting there not 
completed the next day when I came in. I gave up on using the CLI to do it and 
wrote a quick Python script to scan through the whole big table once and keep 
track of the extremes, and it finished in all of 15 minutes. So I'm left 
scratching my head as to what's up. If anyone can think of something or sees 
where I'm being an idiot, please let me know.

Below are more details, gonna try it again with the pre-compiled CLI rather 
than my self-compiled version to make sure it's not just something I managed to 
screw up in my compilation process. Of course, if it's the same then it won't 
finish by the time I send this.

pragma quick_check; is running at the moment. File is ~33 gigs with ~110 
million records. If quick_check finishes with nothing before I leave for the 
weekend I'll kick off a full integrity_check.

This is on 64 bit Windows 7 Enterprise. Both databases are in WAL mode.

The main data table is the only table in the main file. (Names have been 
changed to protect the innocent):
create table bar
    id integer primary key,
    State text collate nocase,
    Latitude real,
    Longitude real,
    someOtherID int,
    bunch of other fields including between the above
create index idx_bar_1 on bar (State, field2, field3, field4);
create index idx_bar_2 on bar (someOtherID);

select * from sqlite_stat1;
bar|idx_bar_1|109801252 2152966 3766 2887 2
bar|idx_bar_2|109801252 1

In the side database file what I'm trying to populate is:
create table coordExtremes
    State text not null primary key collate nocase
        check (length(State) = 2),
    minLat real,
    maxLat real,
    minLon real,
    maxLon real

sqlite> select sqlite_version();

sqlite> select sqlite_source_id();
2016-11-04 12:08:49 1136863c76576110e710dd5d69ab6bf347c65e36

sqlite> pragma compile_options;

attach database 'theBigOne.sqlite' as foo;

explain query plan insert into coordExtremes select State, min(Latitude), 
max(Latitude), min(Longitude), max(Longitude) from foo.bar group by State;

0|0|0|SCAN TABLE bar USING INDEX idx_bar_1

explain insert into coordExtremes select State, min(Latitude), max(Latitude), 
min(Longitude), max(Longitude) from foo.bar group by State;
addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Init           0     78    0                    00  Start at 78
1     InitCoroutine  7     56    2                    00
2     Noop           1     3     0                    00
3     Integer        0     16    0                    00  r[16]=0; clear abort 
4     Integer        0     15    0                    00  r[15]=0; indicate 
accumulator empty
5     Null           0     19    19                   00  r[19..19]=NULL
6     Gosub          18    53    0                    00
7     OpenRead       0     3     2     16             00  root=3 iDb=2; bar
8     OpenRead       2     4     2     k(5,NOCASE,NOCASE,NOCASE,NOCASE,)  00  
root=4 iDb=2; idx_bar_1
9     Rewind         2     38    21    0              00
10      Seek           2     0     0                    00  Move 0 to 2.rowid
11      Column         2     0     20                   00  r[20]=bar.State
12      Compare        19    20    1     k(1,NOCASE)    00  r[19] <-> r[20]
13      Jump           14    18    14                   00
14      Move           20    19    1                    00  r[19]=r[20]
15      Gosub          17    44    0                    00  output one row
16      IfPos          16    55    0                    00  if r[16]>0 then 
r[16]-=0, goto 55; check abort flag
17      Gosub          18    53    0                    00  reset accumulator
18      Column         0     14    21                   00  r[21]=bar.Latitude
19      RealAffinity   21    0     0                    00
20      CollSeq        22    0     0     (BINARY)       00
21      AggStep0       0     21    9     min(1)         01  accum=r[9] 
22      Column         0     14    21                   00  r[21]=bar.Latitude
23      RealAffinity   21    0     0                    00
24      CollSeq        22    0     0     (BINARY)       00
25      AggStep0       0     21    10    max(1)         01  accum=r[10] 
26      Column         0     15    21                   00  r[21]=bar.Longitude
27      RealAffinity   21    0     0                    00
28      CollSeq        22    0     0     (BINARY)       00
29      AggStep0       0     21    11    min(1)         01  accum=r[11] 
30      Column         0     15    21                   00  r[21]=bar.Longitude
31      RealAffinity   21    0     0                    00
32      CollSeq        22    0     0     (BINARY)       00
33      AggStep0       0     21    12    max(1)         01  accum=r[12] 
34      If             22    36    0                    00
35      Column         2     0     8                    00  r[8]=bar.State
36      Integer        1     15    0                    00  r[15]=1; indicate 
data in accumulator
37    Next           2     10    0                    01
38    Close          0     0     0                    00
39    Close          2     0     0                    00
40    Gosub          17    44    0                    00  output final row
41    Goto           0     55    0                    00
42    Integer        1     16    0                    00  r[16]=1; set abort 
43    Return         17    0     0                    00
44    IfPos          15    46    0                    00  if r[15]>0 then 
r[15]-=0, goto 46; Groupby result generator entry point
45    Return         17    0     0                    00
46    AggFinal       9     1     0     min(1)         00  accum=r[9] N=1
47    AggFinal       10    1     0     max(1)         00  accum=r[10] N=1
48    AggFinal       11    1     0     min(1)         00  accum=r[11] N=1
49    AggFinal       12    1     0     max(1)         00  accum=r[12] N=1
50    Copy           8     2     4                    00  r[2..6]=r[8..12]
51    Yield          7     0     0                    00
52    Return         17    0     0                    00  end groupby result 
53    Null           0     8     14                   00  r[8..14]=NULL
54    Return         18    0     0                    00
55    EndCoroutine   7     0     0                    00
56    OpenWrite      3     6     0     5              00  root=6 iDb=0; 
57    OpenWrite      4     7     0     k(1,NOCASE)    00  root=7 iDb=0; 
58      Yield          7     75    0                    00
59      NewRowid       3     1     0                    00  r[1]=rowid
60      HaltIfNull     1299  2     2     coordExtremes.State  01  if r[2]=null 
61      Copy           2     25    0                    00  r[25]=r[2]
62      Function0      0     25    24    length(1)      01  r[24]=func(r[25])
63      Eq             26    65    24                   51  if r[24]==r[26] 
goto 65
64      Halt           275   2     0     coordExtremes  03
65      Affinity       2     5     0     BEEEE          00  affinity(r[2..6])
66      SCopy          2     27    0                    00  r[27]=r[2]; State
67      IntCopy        1     28    0                    00  r[28]=r[1]; rowid
68      MakeRecord     27    2     23                   00  
r[23]=mkrec(r[27..28]); for sqlite_autoindex_coordExtremes_1
69      NoConflict     4     71    27    1              00  key=r[27]
70      Halt           1555  2     0     coordExtremes.State  02
71      IdxInsert      4     23    0                    10  key=r[23]
72      MakeRecord     2     5     24                   00  r[24]=mkrec(r[2..6])
73      Insert         3     24    1     coordExtremes  1b  intkey=r[1] 
74    Goto           0     58    0                    00
75    Close          3     0     0                    00
76    Close          4     0     0                    00
77    Halt           0     0     0                    00
78    Transaction    0     1     3     0              01  usesStmtJournal=1
79    Transaction    2     0     4     0              01  usesStmtJournal=1
80    Integer        2     26    0                    00  r[26]=2
81    Goto           0     1     0                    00

sqlite> insert into coordExtremes select State, min(Latitude), max(Latitude), 
min(Longitude), max(Longitude) from bar group by State;
<chirping cricket noises>
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