Hi, ALL,
SQLite version 3.13.0 2016-05-18 10:57:30
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.
Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database.
sqlite> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS abc("abc_tnam" char(129) NOT NULL,
 "abc_tid" integer, "abc_ownr" char(129) NOT NULL, "abc_cnam" char(129) NOT NULL
, "abc_cid" smallint, "abc_labl" char(254), "abc_lpos" smallint, "abc_hdr" char(
254), "abc_hpos" smallint, "abc_itfy" smallint, "abc_mask" char(31), "abc_case"
smallint, "abc_hght" smallint, "abc_wdth" smallint, "abc_ptrn" char(31), "abc_bm
ap" char(1), "abc_init" char(254), "abc_cmnt" char(254), "abc_edit" char(31), "a
bc_tag" char(254) PRIMARY KEY "abc_tnam", "abc_ownr", "abc_cnam");
Error: near ""abc_tnam"": syntax error

Where am I wrong?

Also, just out of curiosity - what symbols are allowed in the table/field name?
Is there any restrictions even for "<name>" syntax?

Thank you.
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