On 23 Dec 2016, at 4:55pm, Adrian Stachlewski <adrianstachlew...@gmail.com> 

> Id field in one table is defined as TEXT, because there are stored
> identifiers which can be numeric or text mostly like in the example ("4",
> "4,5", "10-1") (to be precise this map is created on the fly by
> concatenating some ids and names from another tables).  In second table
> there are stored identifiers which are integer only. This ids means
> something entirely different, but there is one case, when table with date
> keeps ids from both tables. Unfortunately I cannot change input data - it
> is taken from some APIs using csv files.

Okay.  You’re wedded to a data format created by someone else.  That explains 
the problem.

If you have the opportunity to rename your columns when you import from the CSV 
files, I might recommend that you do not call the TEXT field 'id'.  The 
convention for 'id' is for an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY and it might confuse other 
people who see your database.

Good luck with problem you posted about.

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