There are pragmas to toggle SQLite to use case sensitive LIKE statements.
I can't think of what it is right now (Busy with something else) but the
doc does have the required statement.

I know squat about PGSql, but in MySQL and Maria, by default, LIKE is case
insensitive.  It might be an option between different engines.

On Sun, Jan 8, 2017 at 4:25 PM, Anony Mous <> wrote:

> In SqLite, LIKE works backwards. It's not case-sensitive, although it
> should be.
> It's far too late to change this now, it would break all manner of existing
> code.
> But, in more advanced engines (like PostgreSQL), LIKE is a case-sensitive
> match, and ILIKE is a case insensitive match.
> I suggest that, rather than putting in ILIKE as a case-INsensive match and
> thereby making even more of a mess, that SqLite implement:
> SIM and ISIM
> Where SIM is case-sensitive, and ISIM is not. So users can write better,
> saner queries.
> Or, if that's not in the cards, yes, please, by all means, put in an ILIKE
> that does case-sensitive matching. PLEASE.
> The PRAGMA is, frankly, clumsy at best. There is a non-insignificant need
> to be able to do both kinds of matching in one SQL statement, and without
> jumping through hoops, either:
> * Proper SQL:
> -------------
> SELECT name FROM names WHERE trim(name) ILIKE 'ben' // case insensitive
> match
> SELECT name FROM names WHERE trim(name) LIKE 'Ben' // case sensitive match
> * SqLite SQL:
> -------------
> SELECT name FROM names WHERE trim(name) LIKE 'Ben' // case INsensitive
> match (backwards!)
> * Suggestion:
> -------------
> SELECT name FROM names WHERE trim(name) LIKE 'Ben' // case INsensitive
> match (backwards, remains for compatibility)
> SELECT name FROM names WHERE trim(name) ISIM 'ben' // NEW case insensitive
> match
> SELECT name FROM names WHERE trim(name) SIM 'Ben' // NEW case sensitive
> match
> This is the one SQL-related fundamental shortcoming that bites me time and
> time again.
> Thanks for listening, I hope this will be considered, and something like
> it, or exactly it, will be implemented.
> Ben
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