On Jan 11, 2017, at 3:11 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
> On 1/11/17, Scott Hess <sh...@google.com> wrote:
>>  UPDATE result SET nRows = system('wc', '-l', fileNames);
>> ...
>> [Though, yes, this means you'll have to use fork() and execlp() and
>> waitpid() to implement, rather than popen().
> Which further means that the code would not be portable to Windows.

There is a way to do popen() in Windows, but it’s reeealy ugly:


How much doing all that is worth is a different question, since the calls made 
through this proposed system() SQLite function would also likely be 
non-portable.  In this very example, there is no wc on Windows.

This is essentially the same problem that leads to autoconf, autosetup, CMake, 
etc: you can’t write a portable Makefile, if by “portable” you include 
non-POSIX OSes.
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