Hello again !

I did some changes and got a better plan but it takes for ever, it seems that sqlite3 can not merge the where clause before the "group by" scan the whole tables:


CREATE VIEW despesas_municipio_orgao_list_view AS
    a."municipio_id" rowid,
    c.name as municipio,
    b.name as orgao,
    count(*) count,
    sum(vl_despesa) total,
FROM main."despesas_master" AS a
JOIN municipios_orgaos b ON a.orgao_id=b.id
JOIN municipios c ON a.municipio_id=c.id
LEFT JOIN despesas_detalhe d ON a.id=d.despesa_id
JOIN tipos_despesa e ON d.tp_despesa_id=e.id and e.name='Valor Pago'
GROUP BY municipio_id, orgao_id;

explain query plan
select *
from despesas_municipio_orgao_list_view
where municipio_id=2;




0|0|0|SCAN TABLE despesas_master AS a USING INDEX despesas_master_municipio_idx 0|1|1|SEARCH TABLE municipios_orgaos AS b USING INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (rowid=?)
0|2|2|SEARCH TABLE municipios AS c USING INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (rowid=?)
0|3|3|SEARCH TABLE despesas_detalhe AS d USING INDEX despesas_detalhe_despesa_idx (despesa_id=?)
0|4|4|SEARCH TABLE tipos_despesa AS e USING INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (rowid=?)


Executing this takes 3.10414 seconds (the result includes municipio_id=2)


select *
from despesas_municipio_orgao_list_view

limit 50


Executing this takes 111.839 seconds


select *
from despesas_municipio_orgao_list_view
where municipio_id=2;


Is this expected to be ok ?

On 11/01/17 19:50, Domingo Alvarez Duarte wrote:
Hello Richard !

It seems that sqlite query plan is having trouble with this query too:


create table if not exists municipios(
    id integer primary key,
    name varchar not null unique collate nocase_slna

create table if not exists municipios_orgaos(
    id integer primary key,
    name varchar not null unique collate nocase_slna

create table if not exists tipos_despesa(
    id integer primary key,
    name varchar not null unique collate nocase_slna

CREATE TABLE if not exists despesas_master(
    id integer primary key,
    ano_exercicio integer not null,
    municipio_id integer not null,
    orgao_id integer not null,
    unique(municipio_id, orgao_id)

CREATE TABLE if not exists despesas_detalhe(
    id integer primary key,
    despesa_id integer not null,
    tp_despesa_id integer not null
create index if not exists despesas_detalhe_despesa_idx on despesas_detalhe(despesa_id);

select 'expected good plan';
select '===';
explain query plan
select * from (
    c.name as municipio,
    b.name as orgao,
--    count(*) count,
FROM despesas_master AS a
JOIN despesas_detalhe d ON a.id=d.despesa_id
    and d.tp_despesa_id=(select id from tipos_despesa where name='any')
JOIN municipios c ON a.municipio_id=c.id
JOIN municipios_orgaos b ON a.orgao_id=b.id
--GROUP BY municipio_id, orgao_id
) tbl
WHERE municipio_id=2;

select '';
select 'unexpected bad plan';
select '===';
explain query plan
select * from (
    c.name as municipio,
    b.name as orgao,
    count(*) count,
FROM despesas_master AS a
JOIN despesas_detalhe d ON a.id=d.despesa_id
    and d.tp_despesa_id=(select id from tipos_despesa where name='any')
JOIN municipios c ON a.municipio_id=c.id
JOIN municipios_orgaos b ON a.orgao_id=b.id
GROUP BY municipio_id, orgao_id
) tbl
WHERE municipio_id=2;


sqlite3 < the_above_sql_file


expected good plan
0|0|2|SEARCH TABLE municipios AS c USING INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (rowid=?)
0|1|0|SEARCH TABLE despesas_master AS a USING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_despesas_master_1 (municipio_id=?) 0|2|3|SEARCH TABLE municipios_orgaos AS b USING INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (rowid=?) 0|3|1|SEARCH TABLE despesas_detalhe AS d USING INDEX despesas_detalhe_despesa_idx (despesa_id=?)
1|0|0|SEARCH TABLE tipos_despesa USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_tipos_despesa_1 (name=?)

unexpected bad plan
0|0|1|SCAN TABLE despesas_detalhe AS d
1|0|0|SEARCH TABLE tipos_despesa USING COVERING INDEX sqlite_autoindex_tipos_despesa_1 (name=?) 0|1|0|SEARCH TABLE despesas_master AS a USING INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (rowid=?)
0|2|2|SEARCH TABLE municipios AS c USING INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (rowid=?)
0|3|3|SEARCH TABLE municipios_orgaos AS b USING INTEGER PRIMARY KEY (rowid=?)


On 05/01/17 23:16, Richard Hipp wrote:
On 1/5/17, Domingo Alvarez Duarte <mingo...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello !

Today I found this unexpected behavior when using sqlite3 trunk:

When using views with joins sqlite3 is choosing expected plans except
for "LEFT JOIN", bellow is the snippet that shows this unexpected behavior.


create table if not exists a(id integer primary key, val text);
create table if not exists b(id integer primary key, a_id integer not
null, val text);
create view if not exists b_view as select b.*, a.* from b left join a
on b.a_id=a.id;
create table if not exists c(id integer primary key, b_id integer not
null, val text);

select 'bad unexpected plan';
explain query plan select c.*, b_view.* from c left join b_view on
Can you rewrite your query as:

    FROM c LEFT JOIN b ON c.b_id=b.id
                 LEFT JOIN a ON b.id=a.id;

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