15 feb 2017, Jean-Luc Hainaut:

You could try this, inspired by classic algorithms of temporal databases:

create table T(date integer,test char(12));
insert into T
values (1,'clim'),(3,'clim'),(7,'amb'),(10,'amb'),(12,'xxx'),

create table TT(seq integer not null primary key autoincrement,date integer,test char(12));
insert into TT(date,test) select * from T order by date;

select T1.date, T3.date, T1.test
from   TT T1, TT T3
-- More efficient than "where  T1.date <= T3.date"
where  T1.seq <= T3.seq
and    T1.test = T3.test
and not exists(select * from TT where seq = T1.seq-1 and test = T1.test) and not exists(select * from TT where seq = T3.seq+1 and test = T3.test)
and    not exists(select *
                from   TT T2
-- More efficient than "where T2.date between T1.date and T3.date"
                where  T2.seq between T1.seq and T3.seq
                and    T2.test <> T1.test);


| date | date | test |
| 1    | 3    | clim |
| 7    | 10   | amb  |
| 12   | 12   | xxx  |
| 13   | 20   | clim |
| 22   | 25   | amb  |

Hello, the query below is simpler. May be slower. But looks pretty relational. Thanks, E Pasma.

create table T(date integer,test char(12));
insert into T
values (1,'clim'),(3,'clim'),(7,'amb'),(10,'amb'),(12,'xxx'),

select min(date) as fromdate, max(date) as enddate, test
from    (--get closest preceeding different key
    select t.*, max(t2.date) as key2
    from t
    left join t t2
    on t2.date<t.date and t2.test<>t.test
    group by t.date
group by key2

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