On Tue, 14 Feb 2017 17:05:30 -0800
Darren Duncan <dar...@darrenduncan.net> wrote:

> There is nothing inherently wrong with threads in principle

What's inherently wrong with threads in principle is that there is no
logic that describes them, and consequently no compiler to control that

By analogy, the Forth language has no datatypes.  The programmer is
free to treat any area of memory as encoded as any type; the only
structure is the stack.  Languages that do define datatypes allow the
programmer to guarantee consistent treatment of variables by enforcing
type constraints.  

Threads were and are a theoretical regression.  They returned the
programmer to the time when the programming environment provided no
memory protection.  They introduced a flow of control with no governance
provided by the OS or the compiler.  

> Being multi-threaded is necessary to properly utilize the hardware,
> or else we're just running on a single core and letting the others go
> idle.  The real problem is about properly managing memory.  

It's not necessary in general to give up protected memory to fully
utilze the hardware.  

Rob Pike made some excellent presentations explaining the difference
between parallel and concurrent operations, and how Go uses CSP to
support concurrency.  

Go is a step in the right direction.  By bringing threads under the
control of the compiler, GoThreads give the programmer the efficiency
threads afford without relinquishing control over memory.  

> Also giving sufficient hints to the programming language so that it
> can implicitly parallelize operations.  

Afaik that's an unsolved problem.  Take qsort(3) for example.  I wrote
a recursive version that runs in parallel.  (Mine uses shared memory
and fork(2)).  What kind of a "hint" might the programmer provide to
determine how many processes to use?  

Clearly, no static choice is right.  Should qsort interrogate the
machine and decide to use, say, 1/2 the processors?  Why not all?  But
what if the machine is heavily loaded at the time qsort runs?  Should
it take the time to examine the machine state, and limit itself?  Or
should it just go ahead and let the OS deal with it?  

I decided on per-process regulation via an environment variable
representing the approximate number of processes my qsort would spawn.
If the variable is not set, the default is 2x the number of processors,
which seems to the be upper limit for performance in my limited

So, yeah, threads are the 1990s version of 1960s computing.  We seem to
be on the cusp of recognizing the value of CSP to manage concurrency,
and of functional programming to manage parallelism.  That's far from
the majority view, though, afaict.  There's a lot more to be invented,
and done.  


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