On 2017-02-21 23:16, Simon Slavin wrote:

On 21 Feb 2017, at 10:11pm, Andrew Stewart <astew...@arguscontrols.com> wrote:

What I am trying to do is hide my data.

Then user-authentication is useless to you.  You need encryption.

... and if you do not need a hardcore encryption, then you could consider using of ``src\test_vfstrace.c'' (look at ``src\test_demovfs.c'', ``ext\misc\vfs*.c'', too) VFS filter driver. If all you need is to prevent standard tools/libraries from opening your DB, you will have to add some simple XOR/ADD operation on a read/written data.

On the other side, an encryption does not ensure an user separation -- the encryption concerns a whole db-file, so one user having access to an encrypted db-file could virtually read other user's data.

-- best regards

Cezary H. Noweta
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