Hello everybody, 
I've a simple select statement that have expected result in DB Browser for 
SQLite (82 rows).Same statement return an error in VB.NET using 
System.Data.SQLite (164 rows)
Statement is: SELECT  * FROM  [tblDictionary] INNER JOIN [tblLanguage] ON 
[tblDictionary].[idLanguage] = [tblLanguage].[idLanguage] WHERE 
[tblLanguage].[LanguageName] like 'Italian'
In VB.NET I use SQLiteDataReader and rows contain LanguageName Italian (as 
expected) and Indonesian (???)
I've tried with following WHERE clause, all with the same problem:WHERE 
UPPER([tblLanguage].[LanguageName]) = UPPER('Italian')WHERE 
[tblLanguage].[LanguageName] = 'Italian'WHERE [tblLanguage].[LanguageName] = 
To replicate problem, following database:       CREATE TABLE `tblLanguage` (    
        `idLanguage`    integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,             
`LanguageName`  varchar(30) NOT NULL    );      CREATE TABLE `tblDictionary` (  
        `idDictionary`  INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,             
`idLanguage`    integer NOT NULL,               `KeyValue`      nvarchar(300) 
NOT NULL,         `DataValue`     nvarchar(2000) NOT NULL,                
FOREIGN KEY(`idLanguage`) REFERENCES `tblLanguage`(`idLanguage`)        );      
INSERT INTO tblLanguage (LanguageName) VALUES ('Indonesian');   INSERT INTO 
tblLanguage (LanguageName) VALUES ('Italian');      INSERT INTO tblDictionary 
(idLanguage, KeyValue, DataValue) VALUES (1, 'Delete', 'Hapus');      INSERT 
INTO tblDictionary (idLanguage, KeyValue, DataValue) VALUES (1, 'Edit', 
'Edit'); INSERT INTO tblDictionary (idLanguage, KeyValue, DataValue) VALUES (2, 
'Delete', 'Cancella');   INSERT INTO tblDictionary (idLanguage, KeyValue, 
DataValue) VALUES (2, 'Edit', 'Modifica');

        Public Function SelectByLanguage(ByVal strLanguage As String) As 
DataTable              Dim connection As SQLiteConnection = New 
SQLiteConnection("Data Source=H:\test.db;")        Dim selectStatement As 
String _            = "SELECT " _            & "     
[tblDictionary].[idDictionary] " _            & "    
,[tblLanguage].[LanguageName] " _            & "    
,[tblDictionary].[KeyValue] " _            & "    
,[tblDictionary].[DataValue] " _            & "FROM " _            & "  
   [tblDictionary] " _            & "INNER JOIN [tblLanguage] ON 
[tblDictionary].[idLanguage] = [tblLanguage].[idLanguage] " _            & 
"WHERE [tblLanguage].[LanguageName] like 'Italian'"        Dim selectCommand As 
New SQLiteCommand(selectStatement, connection)        selectCommand.CommandType 
= CommandType.Text       Dim dt As New DataTable        Try            
connection.Open()            Dim reader As SQLiteDataReader = 
selectCommand.ExecuteReader()            If reader.HasRows Then                
dt.Load(reader)            End If            reader.Close()        Catch ex As 
SQLiteException            MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")    
    Catch ex As Exception            MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, 
"Error")        Finally            connection.Close()           End Try         
Return dt       End Function
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