> On Mar 24, 2017, at 4:48 PM, Deon Brewis <de...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Yeah ok, if you take I/O hits then things like memory pre-fetching makes zero 
> difference. We're more in the business of "You take a page fault" == "You buy 
> more memory". Different level of performance requirements. (And glad that 
> SQLITE works well for both of us).

Page faults aren’t necessarily due to swapping. If you read a memory-mapped 
file, the first access to any page will fault to disk. Since SQLite supports 
memory-mapping, I’d assume this can occur during a query — the column data 
returned by sqlite may point into mmap’ed pages. (Is that correct?)

In that situation, if a blob value is significantly larger than one page, the 
difference between scanning everything up to byte offset x, vs. reading a few 
bytes at the beginning and then jumping directly to x, can be significant.

>> In Fleece I put a lot of effort into making the C++ API nice to use, so that 
>> I don’t have to have any other data structure. That's worked well so far.
> Strong typing?

That only happens at higher levels in our stack. At the level I mostly work on, 
this is a document-oriented, schemaless data store. Up above there’s the option 
to use a data-modeling layer that binds document properties to platform object 
properties with strong typing (though we don’t support C++.) But even those 
bindings can be considerably more efficient than the typical JSON object tree — 
you’re not allocating string objects for dictionary keys, nor number objects 
for numeric/boolean values. It’s also generally faster to populate instance 
variables of objects (usually at fixed offsets) vs. adding key/value pairs to a 
hash table.

[I think we’re getting off topic, but I’ll be happy to continue offline.]

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