If you're creating GeoPackages with the F.3 RTREE Spatial Indexes extension, you do not "wrap" a bounding box. You need to define 5 functions from SQL/MM -- ST_MinX, ST_MaxX, ST_MinY, ST_MaxY and ST_IsEmpty -- that take a geometry blob as input and return (for the first four) a floating point number or an integer value of 0 or 1 (ST_IsEmpty). Now it is possible you might want to create some sort of side cache so you don't have to parse the geometry blob four times, but that is an implementation issue. The exact text of the triggers is specified by the standard and is not optional if you are using the extension. And you certainly could not use standard WKB values in the geometry columns without completely violating the GeoPackage standard.


On 4/3/2017 9:26 AM, Stadin, Benjamin wrote:

Is there a hook which allows to get notified as soon as it’s save to modify a 
db connection after (or as alternative to) sqlite3_update_hook was triggered?

The background to this question is that I’m trying to prepare a proposal for 
Geopackage. And one of the questions is if it’s possible to avoid Geopackage 
using a wrapper object [1] which is used in combination with user defined 
functions to update the rtree index after a change to the geometry table 
occurred. This object is currently necessary because it wraps another object 
(an envelope / bbox) to be used by the user defined function when the SQL 
update trigger is called.

So my idea is to register an update hook and do the update to the rtree index 
directly after the step(). So this could execute an arbitrary statement, or 
more concrete a statement which would read an envelope column from the geometry 
table where the update occurred and update the rtree table accordingly. This 
would allow those columns to be plain and widely adopted WKB fields instead of 
this Geopackage binary wrapper object.


[1] http://www.geopackage.org/spec/#gpb_spec

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