On April 6, 2017 11:26:11 AM EDT, "James K. Lowden" <jklow...@schemamania.org> 
>On Thu, 6 Apr 2017 13:19:38 +0100
>Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
>> Instead use PHP functions to check that the file exists using PHP
>> function "file_exists()" and then using fread() to read the first 16
>> bytes from it.  Those 16 bytes should be "SQLite format 3" followed
>> by a 0x00 byte for a string terminator.
>Wouldn't it better to use a URI filename for sqlite3_open_v2 with
>Suggestion to developers: it might be nice to have a version of
>sqlite3_open that takes a file descriptor as a parameter instead of
>a filename.  The caller could then set the open mode (and, for a new
>file, permissions) by conventional means, and then open the database. 
>sqlite-users mailing list

URI filenames are disabled in the default configuration of SQLite (which a 
typical build of PHP would use).
J. King
sqlite-users mailing list

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