I'm an iOS and macOS developer.  Mac app bundles are special in other ways 
beside just having a bit set.  For one, there's a security check somewhere that 
verifies that the app bundle has not been changed, as those files are expected 
to be read-only.  Apple says apps should put their data elsewhere (e.g., 
~/Documents/).  I'd never store a file that I write to in the app bundle.


> On Apr 18, 2017, at 1:45 PM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:
> I don’t think this can be the problem.  As you wrote, a package is just a 
> folder with a bit set.  Not only do they not affect anything but it’s 
> difficult for your app to even tell whether the file is in a folder or a 
> package.
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