I'm attempting to get a report given by TrustWave trimmed down to results
that can be more easily managed.  I've taken the results of a report,
cleaned it up with Excel, then used SQLite Expert to import that result
into a database.

Here are the two table DDLs:

CREATE TABLE [SkipRemed] (
  [Skip] CHAR);

  [ExtIP] CHAR,   [IntIP] CHAR,   [Service] CHAR,   [VulnName] CHAR,
[Desc] CHAR,
  [Remediation] CHAR,   [Port] CHAR,   [Severity] CHAR,   [CVE] CHAR,
[Ticket] INTEGER);

There's only 2049 results in TWScan, so I'm not concerned about speed, and
there is no direct relationship between the two tables.  That is the entire
DDL for the entire database.

What I want to do is use SkipRemed to "Filter Out" or "Filter For" results
in TWScan based on the Remediation table.  The difference between Out and
For would be just in the calling query.  Right now, I want to filter OUT
results in SkipRemed so I can more easily see what reports are commonly
themed and result in one action being required to correct.  (IE: Upgrade
PHP or Apache).

The query I've been messing with is this:

*select distinct ExtIP, IntIP, Service,Remediation from PMEScan where
Remediation not like (select distinct Skip from SkipRemed) order by

I don't get the results I want, unless I use the actual full text of the
Remediation text.  I've changed Skip to '%'||Skip||'%' in the subquery but
that doesn't get me the results I want either.

Somethings up with my logic, not sure where.  Ideas?
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