Do you have some indices on the table? Drop them before the huge insert and 
then recreate again. It is faster.

On Mon, 24 Apr 2017 11:00:00 -0700
Jens Alfke <> wrote:

> I’m importing a large data set with a lot of rows — an entire Wikipedia dump, 
> about 60GB, one article per row — into a brand new SQLite database in WAL 
> mode. What’s the fastest way to import it?
> I started with one big transaction, but noted that (of course) the WAL file 
> was growing rapidly while the main database file stayed tiny. I figured this 
> would become inefficient, so I stopped the run and adjusted my code to commit 
> and re-open a transaction every 10,000 rows.
> With that, the import started quickly, but as time went on the commits were 
> taking longer and longer, so the process was spending most of its time 
> committing. (I wasn’t able to finish the job, as it ran into an unrelated 
> fatal error in my code about ⅔ of the way through.)
> Would it have been faster to use a single transaction? Even if the commit at 
> the end is epic-length, it wouldn’t be rewriting the b-tree nodes over and 
> over again. If so, would periodic WAL checkpoints help?
> —Jens
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