On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 5:18 PM, Kim Gräsman <kim.gras...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a nagging suspicion that the tempdb is allocated from the
> private heap (we've set pragma temp_store=memory) -- what are the
> characteristics of that database? Can I forecast how large it will be?

The behavior is the same with pragma temp_store=file (turns out it was
`file` when this statement ran all along.)

I've tried dumping all available global memory statistics when I run
out of memory, but I don't see much I can use:

    SQLite error 7: failed to allocate 1024 bytes
    SQLite error 7: failed to allocate 1024 bytes
    SQLite error 7: statement aborts at 3: [UPDATE mytable SET ... WHERE ...]
    Effective soft heap limit: 22192128 bytes
    Memory used 5064704 (max 22535968)
    Number of outstanding allocations: 9807 (max 26872)
    Number of pcache pages used: 0 (max 0)
    Number of pcache overflow bytes: 3239936 (max 3239936)
    Number of scratch allocations used: 0 (max 0)
    Number of scratch overflow bytes: 0 (max 1024)
    Largest allocation: 65540 bytes
    Largest pcache allocation: 672 bytes
    Largest scratch allocation: 560 bytes

It looks like the highwater for memory-used is when the heap was
depleted. But other than that, I'm stumped. What's a good way to
understand where memory is going in this statement?

- Kim
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