On Mon May 15, 2017 at 09:58:31PM +0100, Simon Slavin wrote:
> On 15 May 2017, at 9:30pm, no...@null.net wrote:
> >    SELECT
> >        1 AS col
> >    UNION ALL
> >    SELECT
> >        0 AS col
> >    ORDER BY
> >        col > 0 DESC;
> Out of interest, intuitively rather than reading documentation, which
> do you think should be done first ?  Should SQL do both SELECTs and
> the UNION ALL, then ORDER the result ?  Or should SQL apply the ORDER
> BY to the second SELECT only ?

Intuitively (or according the union knowledge I can usually hold in my
brain) I think of the above as follows, purely because I know there can
only be one ORDER by statement:

            1 AS col
        UNION ALL
            0 AS col
        col > 0 DESC;

> > I've read "The ORDER BY clause" of [1] and I *think* that the following
> > is what I am running into:
> > 
> >    "However, if the SELECT is a compound SELECT, then ORDER BY
> >    expressions that are not aliases to output columns must be exactly
> >    the same as an expression used as an output column. "
> Right.  So the problem is that the "AS col" clauses apply to the
> individual SELECT queries, not to the results of the UNION.  The
> UNION command unites the two individual queries but SQL doesn’t
> provide any way to name the resulting column(s).

Except that you *can* use the first SELECT aliases on their own...
which shouldn't be possible at all if SQL doesn't provide a way to name
the resulting columns.

> Here’s another question about intuition, rather than reading
> documentation.  How many columns should this query return ?  Or
> should it result in an error ?
> >    SELECT
> >        1 AS betty
> >    UNION ALL
> >    SELECT
> >        0 AS carlos;

Ideally this would be an error, but I already know that it isn't so I
can't really say what my intuition thinks :-)

Mark Lawrence
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