> From: sqlite-users [mailto:sqlite-users-boun...@mailinglists.sqlite.org] On
> Behalf Of Clemens Ladisch
> Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 6:04 AM
> To: sqlite-users@mailinglists.sqlite.org
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Bulk load strategy
> Without an index, searching for a previous entry is likely to involve
> a scan through the entire table.  It might be a better idea to have the
> index available here, even with the additional cost of updating it.

While that showed true, both approaches are still too slow. Maintaining the
data in memory in order to facilitate the potential manipulation before
persisting it far exceeds the workstations memory capacity of 12Gb so
I need to come up with a new strategy.

I tried adding ANALYZE statements periodically to update the indexes
however it seemed not to matter, I also tried committing transactions
before the ANALYZE at the same interval without any success.

Anyone have any other suggestions?

Thanks guys,
sqlite-users mailing list

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