On 29 May 2017, at 5:33am, Howard Kapustein <howard.kapust...@microsoft.com> 

> Is it possible to use the CLI to read a WAL database and exit without 
> modifying the database? 

I don’t know about the database file itself.  I think that one is only read 
unless you explicitly do writing.

SQLite will always create/modify/delete the -shm file.  That’s the shared 
memory file.

I /think/ SQLite always creates/modifies/deletes the -wal file if you do 
anything that requires database access, even just reading.

The database is actually just in the database file.  In fact, after a clean 
quit from all programs using the SQLite library the other two files can both be 
deleted without messing up the database in any way.

The two other files are used by SQLite in getting its work done.  SQLite must 
be free to modify or delete them whenever it wants — don’t try to make them 
read-only since this can cause errors in SQLite.  Unless you understand SQLite 
internals and you’re engaged in some sort of forensic work you don’t care 
what’s in those two files.

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