I am just taking a look at imposter tables and while the implementation is
neat I am just wondering what their use is, or rather what they can achieve
that a view can't achieve (and without the risk of DB corruption).

For instance an imposter table created on an index such as the following
from Skype

CREATE INDEX chat_idx_chat_room_name_service_name ON chat(room_name,

.imposter chat_idx_chat_room_name_service_name imptable

can be simulated with a view

CREATE TEMP VIEW impview AS select room_name, service_name, _rowid_ FROM

Querying either impview or imptable should, as far as I can see, produce
the same results.

I can see that the imposter table will be faster as it links directly to
the b-tree, but with the risk of corrupting the index as described on

The only benefit I can see is that you know the imposter table is showing
you exactly what is in the index, where the view is my interpretation of
the SQL needed to show what is in the index. Is this the main benefit? or
am I missing something?

Are there instances where a view created as I have done above cannot
simulate an imposter table?


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