Some suggestions, the validity of which depend on the context and whether some ordering must be preserved. Let T(C1 primary key,other_data) be the table with which we want to associate a sequence number (as pseudo column Seq).

Technique 1: Computing Seq through a recursive CTE.

create table T0 as
with SEQUENCE(Seq,C1,other_data) as
     (select 1,C1,other_data
      from (select C1,other_data
            from   T order by C1 limit 1)
            select S.Seq+1,T.C1,T.other_data
            from   T, SEQUENCES
            where  T.C1 = (select min(C1)
                           from   T
                           where  C1 > S.C1)
select * from SEQUENCE;

Technique 2: Extracting rowid from source table (unordered)

create temp table T1(Seq integer,C1,other_data);
insert into T1
   select rowid as Seq,* from T order by C1;

Technique 3: Extracting rowid from a temp table (ordered)

create temp table T2as
   select 0 as Seq,* from T order by C1;
update T2 set Seq = rowid;

Technique 4: Adding auto incremented column in a temp table

create temp table T3(Seq integer primary key autoincrement,C1,other_data)
insert into T3(C1,other_data) select * from Torder by C1;

Technique 5: From declarative definition - suggestion of (C. Ladish)

create temp table T4as
select (select count(*)
        from   TT2
        where  T2.C1 <= T1.C1) as Seq,
from T T1 order by C1;

For small tables (10-100), the execution times are similar (around 1 ms.), but for medium-size to large tables, some techniques are better.
For a source table T of 32,000 rows of 30 bytes, there are clear winners:
  - technique 1: 185 ms.
- technique 2: 24 ms.
- technique 3: 58 ms.
- technique 4: 17 ms.
- technique 5: 42,000 ms.

All the scores are linear wrt table size but the declarative one, which is quadratic.


Jean-Luc Hainaut

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