On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 11:07 AM, Jens Alfke <j...@mooseyard.com> wrote:

> > On Jul 21, 2017, at 6:45 AM, Peter Da Silva <
> peter.dasi...@flightaware.com> wrote:
> >
> > Have a look at prepared statements and statement parameters.
> Agreed.
> PLEASE, PLEASE, do not try to splice parameters into SQL strings! Any
> mistakes in this code leave you vulnerable to SQL Injection Attacks, which
> are depressingly common and cause great damage in the real world. (Some of
> the examples already posted in this thread contain such mistakes…)
> SQLite, like every other SQL database I know of, has APIs that let you
> safely plug runtime parameters into statements without having to do string
> concatenation or quoting or sanitization. The resulting code is safe, more
> readable, and as a bonus it’s faster because the database only has to
> compile and optimize the statement once, no matter how many times it runs.
> —Jens

​And, just to interject a politically incorrect statement, any "programmer"
who does not use the safer interface is either __extremely__ ignorant,  or
arrogantly stupid, and needs to be forced to write all their code in a
"baby" language like BASIC until they learn better.​ Either that or have
their fingers broken.

Veni, Vidi, VISA: I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.

Maranatha! <><
John McKown
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