Jay Kreibich wrote:
> On Aug 18, 2017, at 5:33 AM, Clemens Ladisch <clem...@ladisch.de> wrote:
>> sanhua.zh wrote:
>>> 1. Conn A: Open, PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL
>>> 2.ConnB: Open, PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL
>>> 3.ConnA: CREATE TABLE sample (i INTEGER);
>>> 4.ConnB: PRAGMA table_info('sample')
>>> Firstly, both thread 1 and 2 do initialization for their own conn, which is 
>>> to read to schema into memory.
>>> Then, Conn A creates a table with Conn A.
>>> Finally, `PRAGMA table_info(sample)` is called in thread 2 with Conn B and 
>>> it returns nothing.
>>> I do know the reason should be the expired in-memory-schema.
>> No, SQLite automatically detects schema changes.
> …but only automatically re-prepares the expired statements if the statement
> was originally prepared using sqlite3_prepare*_v2 or _v3.

The word "expired" in the OP is misleading; this problem has nothing to do
with schema expiration (that would result in an SQLITE_SCHEMA error).

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