I have a table with an indexed json field, and I want to know the maximum
value of that field.

    create table events(id integer primary key, json JSON);
    create index t on events(json_extract(json, '$.ts));

If I do

    select max(json_extract(json, '$.ts')) from events;

it does a table scan with the index, as far as I can decode the query plan
it's doing a max() on every row. It takes 150ms on my data.

If instead I do

    select json_extract(json, '$.ts') from events order by
 json_extract(json, '$.ts' ) desc limit 1;

I get the same result in 6ms.

The same queries on a real field, like `id`, always return in 0-2ms.

Is this an optimization opportunity for calculated indexes?
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