The missing symbols are from sqlite version 2, not 3.

--- Mark Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello All -
> I'm trying to incorporate sqlite3 into a Visual C++ project but am 
> having some problems
> compiling the project. I'm made sure to include the sqlite3.h header and 
> I created a .lib
> file which is being linked in, but the compiler still complains with the 
> following:
> c:\data\work\3pl\dev\whgui\httpd.h(24) : error C2065: 'sqlite_compile' : 
> undeclared identifier
> c:\data\work\3pl\dev\whgui\httpd.h(26) : error C2065: 'sqlite_step' : 
> undeclared identifier
> c:\data\work\3pl\dev\whgui\httpd.h(34) : error C2065: 'sqlite_finalize' 
> : undeclared identifier
> Which is odd, because it handles sqlite3_open() and sqlite3_close() just 
> fine. I'm sure I'm
> missing something elementary but could anyone point me in the right 
> direction?
> Mark.

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