I update sqlite in my Android mobile phone from 3.9.2 to 3.16.2.
And I find the default page_size in 3.9.2 is 1024 while in 3.16.2 is 4096
(changed since 3.12.0).
I think SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE has great effect on the performance so I
use speedtest1.c to test it.

There are many test cases in speedtest1.c and case 270 is a DELETE case
which is the most time-consuming one.
There is a result.  (different version + different page_size)

                 3.16.2+4096         3.16.2+1024          3.9.2+4096       
Case 270:       5.695s                 5.908s                   2.307s          
TOTAL          75.182s                79.811s                 58.723s           

It is easy to find 3.9.2+4096 is extremely faster than others. 
And page_size has great effect on 3.9.2 but has only a small effect on
But why?

I think 3.16.2 should faster than 3.9.2 according to the measurements of
sqlite (https://www.sqlite.org/cpu.html) but I guess 3.9.2 used 1024 at that

Could someone give me any explanations? The result is strange but I think it
is reproducible if we set SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE=4096 in 3.9.2. 

Thank you.

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