
What is the best way to map a field type as it is provided in create table
statement to sqlite3_result_* function call?

More specifically, I have a virtual table implementation where a raw table
data provided and the corresponding field definition part ([FieldA] TEXT,
[FieldB] FLOAT....). When asked by sqlite to fetch the column data I'd like
to convert the text representation of a column to the best "type" and make
the best sqlite3_result_* call. So I need probably the same machinery as
sqlite itself when it handles type affinity.

I found a function in the sources, sqlite3AffinityType, that probably
serves the goal, but it's private. Also, a suggestion to implement a
similar functionality was made by Jay A. Kreibich is in the mail list
(mentioning  sqlite3AffinityType)

On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Jay A. Kreibich <j...@kreibi.ch> wrote:
>> Other suggestions?
>  This has nothing to do with WAL, but it might be nice to expose
>  the logic that does SQL-type => SQLite-affinity mappings
>  (i.e. sqlite3AffinityType()):
>    int sqlite3_get_affinity( const char *type );
>  Takes a string that contains an SQL type.  Returns one of:

But I suppose sqlite3_get_affinity or similar function was never
I know that I probably might mimic the sqlite machinery knowing it's not
that complex, but it is always better to rely on the approved logic of
sqlite itself.


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