Good idea but if there is no AUTOINCREMENT you can simply get the min/max 

I think the following might work (and should work for both + and - rowid's)

with Rows(MinRowID, MaxRowID, NumRows) as (select min(RowID) as MinRowID, 
                                                  max(RowID) - min(RowID) + 1 
as NumRows
                                             from tab),
     Potential(Candidate)  as (select abs(random() % (select NumRows from 
Rows)) + (select MinRowID - 1 from Rows) as Candidate 
                                 from generate_series 
                                where start=1 
                                  and stop=(select 2*NumRows from Rows))
    select distinct tab.*
      from Potential
cross join tab
        on tab.RowID == Potential.Candidate
     limit 200;

NB:  dependancy on extension series.c -> generate_series
     Selecting 200 random rows from tab containing 1 million rows takes 0.2 
seconds ...

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: sqlite-users [mailto:sqlite-users-
>] On Behalf Of Hick Gunter
>Sent: Friday, 1 June, 2018 12:09
>To: 'SQLite mailing list'
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] [EXTERNAL] Re: random rows
>Just an idea:
>If the table has an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT then then
>maximum rowid is available in the sqlite_sequence table.
>To generate a random sequence of rowids, this can be used, somewhat
>SELECT DISTINCT rnd() * (SELECT seq FROM sqlite_sequence WHERE
>name='<table_name>') as rowid;
>Maybe as a view or a CTE.
>Then use this as the LHS of a join
>SELECT t.* from (...) random cross join <table_name> t on
>random.rowid = t.rowid LIMIT x;
>Creating random rowids should be blindingly fast, even with storing
>the already created rowids in a temp btree. Reading the table via
>rowid is as fast as possible. Any "misses" in the rowid generation
>(i.e. rowids not present) are compensated by the number of rowids
>generated. Speed increases with the desity of rowids (i.e.
><current_row_count>/<max_inserted_rowid>). Unless of course SQLite
>chooses to create all the rowids before providing the first one.
>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: sqlite-users [mailto:sqlite-users-
>] Im Auftrag von Stephen Chrzanowski
>Gesendet: Freitag, 01. Juni 2018 18:47
>An: SQLite mailing list <>
>Betreff: [EXTERNAL] Re: [sqlite] random rows
>Here's my two cents.  Don't spend it all in one place...
>CREATE TABLE [RandomTable](
>  [DataCol] CHAR);
>INSERT INTO [RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(1, 'a'); INSERT
>INTO [RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(2, 'b'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(3, 'c'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(4, 'd'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(5, 'e'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(6, 'f'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(7, 'g'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(8, 'h'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(9, 'i'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(10, 'j'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(11, 'k'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(12, 'l'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(13, 'm'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(14, 'n'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(15, 'o'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(16, 'p'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(17, 'q'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(18, 'r'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(19, 's'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(20, 't'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(21, 'u'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(22, 'v'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(23, 'w'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(24, 'x'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(25, 'y'); INSERT INTO
>[RandomTable]([PriID], [DataCol]) VALUES(26, 'z');
>select random() as R,* from RandomTable order by R limit 10;
>Using 3.23.1
>On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 10:22 AM, Don V Nielsen
>> ??
>> Maybe. It is more memory efficient then trying to sort the entire
>> of data.
>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 7:13 PM Torsten Curdt <>
>> > I need to get some random rows from a large(ish) table.
>> >
>> > The following seems to be the most straight forward - but not the
>> fastest.
>> >
>> >   SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY random() limit 200
>> >
>> > Is there a faster/better approach?
>> >
>> > cheers,
>> > Torsten
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>> > sqlite-users mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >
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> Gunter Hick | Software Engineer | Scientific Games International
>GmbH | Klitschgasse 2-4, A-1130 Vienna | FN 157284 a, HG Wien, DVR:
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