with status_one as (
  select *
  from names
  where status = 1
one_names as (
  select distinct name
  from status_one
select min(id), status, name
from names
where status = 0
  and name not in one_names
group by status, name

union all

select * from status_one;

-----Original Message-----
From: sqlite-users [mailto:sqlite-users-boun...@mailinglists.sqlite.org] On 
Behalf Of Paul Sanderson
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2018 11:50 AM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: [sqlite] unique values from a subset of data based on two fields

I have a table

Create table names (id int, status int, name text)

1, 1, 'paul'

2, 1,'helen'

3, 0, 'steve'

4, 0, 'steve'

5, 0, 'pete'

6, 0, 'paul'

I want a query that returns all of the records with status = 1 and unique
records, based on name, where the status =0 and the name is not in the list

So from the above I would want to see

1, 1, paul

2, 1, helen

3, 0, steve (or 4, 0, steve)

5, 0, pete

I could do something like

Select * from names where status = 1 or name not in (select name from names
where status = 1)

But this gets both rows for steve, e.g.

1, 1, paul

2, 1, helen

3, 0, steve

4, 0, steve

5, 0, pete

while I am not bothered about which of the two steves I get back, I must
have all occurences of names with status = 1

I am probably missing somethng obvious

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