On 17 Jul 2018, at 12:20pm, Rob Willett <rob.sql...@robertwillett.com> wrote:

> Do you have any pointers to stuff we can read up on? We don't understand your 
> comment "SQLite spent that whole time accessing your 50GB database file in an 
> apparently random order." and would like to try and get more information 
> about it.

I don't know much about specific virtualisation packages and have no 
recommendation.  I was just comparing virtual machines in general with 
operations on "actual metal" as you put it.

SQLite database files are split up into pages.  Each page contains data for 
exactly one table or index.  So even just a table with a primary index requires 
two different kinds of pages, one for the row of data, one for the 
corresponding entry in the primary key index.  And making changes to them both 
requires changes at other locations: the places where the page indexes are 

Worse still, unless all your indexes are monatonic (with values in those 
indexes only ever increasing) anything progressing through them in order would 
not be reading through the database file in order.  This means you get 
continuous cache misses: the next piece of data you need is rarely already in 
the virtual computer's cache, because it's usually in a part of the file far 
away from the one you just read.

On a real computer, storage is only one motherboard connection and storage 
driver away from the CPU.  On a virtual computer the virtual storage is on a 
file server far away from the processing, and each time data isn't already in 
the processor's cache something has to work out where, in the racks of file 
servers, that page of file is stored, talk to that file server, and route 
traffic back and forth to the virtual processor.  So file operations are more 
slow and expensive than they are for real computers.  And an operation which 
generates cache misses for 50Gig of data ends up doing more work done than it 
would for a simple "real metal" setup.

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