On 7 Aug 2018, at 1:22pm, Gerlando Falauto <gerlando.fala...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hmm... are you saying the writer could potentially block for up to 10
> seconds?

I should have been clearer.  The 10 second time is purely for diagnostic 
purposes, to see if the error goes away.  It was chosen to be far longer than 
any legitimate lock could last.  If you report that it fixes the problem 
someone can explain what's happening.  If you report that it doesn't fix the 
problem, we don't have to faff about with "try a longer timeout".

The exception would be some kind of hardware error.  Faulty networking or a 
fault in your storage device could cause a long delay.

> It's two separate connections. Is that bad or good?

Good.  That's the right way to do it, especially if your program gets more 
complicated than a single INSERT vs. a single SELECT.

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