On 12 August 2018 at 00:51, Lars Frederiksen <lars...@dadlnet.dk> wrote:

> Is this an error of my windows 10 cmd prompt or is it a general problem
> that
> the sqlite3 console is not able to show unicode in the cmd-window.??
> No problem writing to the database and show (greek) unicode characters in
> the cmd prompt as I key them, but when I want to show the data with the SQL
> SELECT * FROM Gloser then the greek word is shown with most of its letters
> as questionmarks.

What version of sqlite are you using? There was significant efforts to
improve windows console unicode handling awhile back, which I think made it
in for 3.12/3.13.

If you're still seeing issues with a recent sqlite can you provide a short
example which reproduces the issue?
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