On 15 Aug 2018, at 6:26am, Ricardo Lima <ricardo....@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I don't get any compilation errors and the SQLite source files/header files 
> are implemented correctly into the code. I know this because I'm using SQLite 
> Studio ( SQLite GUI) and I see all the attributes from the wallet DB, but 
> they are all empty.

Please use the SQLite shell tool (download from the SQLite site as "Precompiled 
Binaries") rather than SQLite Studio.

When making SQLite API calls, are you checking the result codes ?  Result codes 
from those calls should be SQLITE_OK to indicated successful completion.  If 
you are getting any other value, post it and we'll figure out what's wrong.

Are you using sqlite3_exec() or _prepare(),_step(),_finalize() ?

Are you closing the database file before your application quits ?

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