On 6 Oct 2018, at 5:23pm, Warren Young <war...@etr-usa.com> wrote:

> What we want is a SQLite-based program along the lines of Access or 
> FileMaker, preferably with some kind of cloud capability.
> If that wish seems frivolous, realize that we’re not going to get rid of the 
> spreadsheet-as-database as long as we have things like Office 365, Google 
> Sheets, and iWork Numbers filling the desktop, mobile, *and* cloud niches.  
> This replacement must fill all of these same niches to begin pushing out 
> these misuses of spreadsheets.  Otherwise, it will only help the minority of 
> people who need a personal database on only one of these platforms.

While all the above is true, I have written software like this.  A top-of-the 
head estimate for a single-user version would be

 5% OS interface, file handling, password protection
 5% database, mapping cells onto file/memory structure
 5% calculations and spreadsheet logic
85% GUI

In other words, the DBMS doesn't matter.  Most of your programming time is user 
interface and stopping the user from doing stuff they don't really want to do 
(e.g. circular references, implementing "Undo").

Much as I adore SQLite, it concerns just a tiny part of the problem.

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