On Dec 11, 2018, at 04:01, Daniel Alm <dan...@timingapp.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> For the past half year we’ve been receiving reports from users who had 
> restored their SQLite-based databases from a Time Machine backup. Afterwards, 
> they would receive "database disk image is malformed” errors. The app also 
> backs up the user’s data “manually” to a ZIP file every week; those backups 
> seem to be working fine. We also haven’t received reports from other backup 
> tools causing issues. I have also suspected a bug in Time Machine, but it is 
> striking that the issues did seem to start occurring after an update to the 
> app (luckily, in fact, with the same update that also introduced the “manual” 
> backups).

Time Machine achieves eventual consistency by restarting when it detects that a 
file has changed since the backup was started. It does not have special 
provisions for SQLite database files.

Even if the scheduled backup never runs, the conditions under which a database 
would be captured in an utterly inconsistent state should be vanishingly rare. 
It would be most useful if you could share a representative database with 
Richard for analysis.

> Changes that we made to our setup in the update that coincided with the 
> errors occurring:
> - Upgraded SQLite from 3.21 to 3.24 (we have since reverted to 3.23.1 in 
> another update; no improvement).
> - Used memory mapping for read accesses via “PRAGMA mmap_size = 1073741824;” 
> (we have since reverted to “PRAGMA mmap_size = 0;” after reading 
> http://sqlite.1065341.n5.nabble.com/Re-Database-corruption-and-PRAGMA-fullfsync-on-macOS-td95366.html
> <http://sqlite.1065341.n5.nabble.com/Re-Database-corruption-and-PRAGMA-fullfsync-on-macOS-td95366.html>;
>  no improvement).
> - Using a secondary database via [ATTACH 
> DATABASE](https://www.sqlite.org/lang_attach.html 
> <https://www.sqlite.org/lang_attach.html>) (although this also seems to occur 
> for users without such a database).
> At this point, I am at a loss, especially given that SQLite should be fairly 
> robust against database corruption. While our app is running in the 
> background all the time, it is not very write-heavy (~ one transaction per 
> minute taking just a few milliseconds). Also, the app had been running fine 
> before the update for a long time without any reports of this issue. I might 
> be doing something wrong or have changed anything else, but I don’t know 
> what; if you have any ideas, let me know.
> Any suggestions on what could be the culprit or what else I could try besides 
> downgrading all the way to SQLite 3.21 would be appreciated.

Out of curiosity, why aren't you using the SQLite that comes with the OS?


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