
1st question : Is there a way to tell printf() to display the decimal separator 
set in the OS ?

For example, the decimal separator in my OS is set to comma (,), I would like 
printf() to display the comma as the decimal separator.

sqlite> select printf('%.2f %%', 25.365419);
25.37 %

2nd question : Is there a way that printf displays thousand separators and 
decimal separators ?
sqlite> select printf('%,.2f %%', 25566425.365419);
25566425.37 %
sqlite> select printf('%,f %%', 25566425.365419);
25566425.365419 %
sqlite> select printf('%,d %%', 25566425.365419);
25,566,425 %

I haven't found anything here : https://www.sqlite.org/printf.html

Best Regards

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