On Wed, 17 Apr 2019 at 15:08, Hick Gunter <h...@scigames.at> wrote:

> SLEECT contents from textfiles where search_path = 'mypath' and
> name_pattern IN ('*.txt','*.csv');
It's interesting, I implemented the mask and decided to give such a query a
try (having the same cost adjust I explained in the first post). With
newest versions and even older 3.15.1, it works ok with two cursors one
after another (two xOpen calls) providing constraints with two masks.
Version 3.8.3 visits constraints with optional parameters, but chooses a
different route without filemask in constraint (so the tables outputs with
a default mask). 3.6.10 both doesn't visit constraints with optional
parameters and also gives results with default mask. Looks like similar to
what you mentioned in your first reply.

The usage of IN allows many expressive applications to such queries, but I
should probably have in mind that sometimes it is safe to implement a data
piece in a single entity so file mask may acquire something like comma-list
(or semocolon) "*.txt;*.csv"

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