Interesting.  If you can guarantee that you will only have a single thread 
accessing a single database only from one single thread, give it a try with 
sqlite3_open_v2 ...

Don't know if it will make a difference, but it might.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: sqlite-users [mailto:sqlite-users-
>] On Behalf Of Lee, Jason
>Sent: Monday, 22 April, 2019 17:33
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] Multiple Independent Database Instances
>> How does each thread know whether the file has been "previously
>processed" or not?
>The paths are pushed onto a queue and each thread pops the top off. I
>am also looking into the queuing code to see if there are issues
>> In other words, if you "get rid of" all the sqlite3 processing and
>replace it with a 5 ms sleep, does increasing the number of threads
>exhibit the same symptom?
>The timings were for sqlite3_open_v2, not for the whole process. The
>current code is effectively just an sqlite3_open_v2 followed by an
>sqlite3_close, and yet the time it takes to complete sqlite3_open_v2
>still increases with the number of threads.
>> Even with gobs of RAM and solid-state storage, I/O will quickly
>> bottleneck because the processor is 3 orders of magnitude faster
>> RAM and 6 orders faster than the disk.  Once you exhaust the I/O
>> it's exhausted.
>I/O is not the bottleneck. I have 8 NVMe drives in RAID0. I have not
>been able to drive the disks in the slightest because the threads
>spend the majority of their time in sqlite3_open_v2, sqlite3_close,
>and sqlite3_prepare_v2.
>Jason Lee
>From: sqlite-users <> on
>behalf of James K. Lowden <>
>Sent: Monday, April 22, 2019 4:53:42 PM
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] Multiple Independent Database Instances
>On Mon, 22 Apr 2019 21:25:31 +0000
>"Lee, Jason" <> wrote:
>> I have a set of several million database files sitting on my
>> filesystem. Each thread will open a previously unprocessed database
>> file, do some queries, close the database, and move on to the next
>> unprocessed database file.
>Fascinating.  One wonders what Feynman would have said.
>Even with gobs of RAM and solid-state storage, I/O will quickly
>bottleneck because the processor is 3 orders of magnitude faster than
>RAM and 6 orders faster than the disk.  Once you exhaust the I/O bus,
>it's exhausted.
>I would build a pipeline, and let processes do the work. Write a
>to process a single database: open, query, output, close.  Then
>a make(1) rule to convert one database into one output file.  Then
>"make -j dd" where "dd" is the number of simultaneous processes (or
>"jobs").  I think you'll find ~10 processes is all you can sustain.
>You could use the sqlite3 utility as your "program", but it's not
>good at detecting errors and returning a nonzero return status to the
>OS. Hence a bespoke program.  Also, you can get the data into binary
>form, suitable for concatenation into one big file for input into
>numerical process.  That will go a lot faster.
>Although there's some overhead to invoking a million processes, it's
>dwarfed by the I/O time.
>The advantage of doing the work under make is that it's reusable and
>restartable.  if you bury the machine, you can kill make and restart
>with a lower number of jobs.  If you find some databases are corrupt
>incomplete, you can replace them, and make will reprocess only the
>ones.  If you add other databases at a later time, make will process
>only those.  You can add subsequent steps, too; make won't start from
>square 1 unless it has to.
>With millions of inputs, the odds are you will find problems.
>Perfectly good input over a dataset that size probably occured before
>in recorded history, but not frequently.
>I assume your millions of databases are not in a single directory;
>guess you have 1000s of directories.  They offer convenient work
>partitions, which you might need; I have no idea how make will
>to a dependency tree with millions of nodes.
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