On May 9, 2019, at 4:56 PM, James K. Lowden <jklow...@schemamania.org> wrote:
> file I/O operations act on the kernel’s filebuffer

It’s more widely called a buffer cache or page cache:


> If this sounds like an indictment of NFS, it's really not.

In large part, it’s a restatement of some fundamental results in computer 
science, particularly distributed computing:


Reference 2 from the first Wikipedia article is especially worth reading:


Never mind the current host of that article: that just happens to be where the 
2013 Turing Award winner and primary coauthor on this paper, Leslie Lamport, 
was working when the Web took off.  It was originally published in an ACM 
technical journal while he was doing research at SRI International.  In 1982.  
That’s how fundamental this problem is.

As CS research papers go, “The Byzantine Generals Problem” is uncommonly 

That paper will explain to you why you want at least 3 servers with Bedrock if 
you’re going to distribute it across multiple machines.  It’s fine to start 
with just 1 server, as long as you’re fine with a single point of failure, but 
if you’re going to distribute the DB across machines, 2 makes no sense.

Intrigued?  Read the paper.

Bedrock is based in part on the Paxos algorithm, another major advance in 
distributed computing, and another of Leslie Lamport’s brainchildren:

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