On May 24, 2019, at 7:10 AM, Jose Isaias Cabrera <jic...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Dr. Richard Hipp, on Friday, May 24, 2019 08:44 AM, wrote...
>>> Dr. Hipp, how many more scenarios, where round gives the wrong answer,
>>> exist?  Thanks.
>> Consider these two queries:
>>  SELECT round(3.255,2);
>>  SELECT round(3.2549999999999998,2);
>> Do you expect them to give different answers?
> 3.26
> 3.25

Go read this: https://www.floating-point-gui.de/

Then install this extension: 


Having done both, you’ll know why SQLite does what it does, and will have a 
solution for the problem where it matters.

And it doesn’t always matter!  Anything dealing in real-world measurements, for 
example, generally doesn’t need more than 9 decimal digits of precision, 
depending on the measuring instrument, which is more than covered by an 
IEEE-754 double.  Measurement instruments are not absolutely precise: they have 
inherent inaccuracies, and electronic instruments have drift and other 
characteristics that can prevent them from giving the same answer given the 
same task.

Since the measurement itself cannot be more precise than an IEEE-754 double, 
any “error” in an answer computed from it is down in the noise floor of the 
measurement.  That is to say, two measurements taken back-to-back might give 
the same or greater error.

This is no accident.  IEEE-754 was designed by people working in the physical 
sciences, and they knew all of this when they designed it.  It is what it was 
designed *for*.

What IEEE-754 was *not* designed for was discrete math, such as monetary 
matters on scales smaller than a national economy.
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