This is an update to the Schema Information views that I previously posted.  
This version has the capability to display information for all available schema 
names (attached databases) simultaneously.  It requires that the SQL function 
"eval" be available since it runs dynamically generated SQL and I could not 
figure out a better way to collect information from all the attached database 
sqlite_master tables simultaneously.

Particularly the SysObjects view is the one that does this.  Any improvements 
or suggestions welcome!

Note that if you have embeded ';' in your identifier names you are buggered as 
the parsing of the eval() output uses that as a column separator ...

-- Catalog Views using sqlite_master for SysObjects (Object Names)
-- and the various pragma_<infotype>(ObjectName) tables to retrieve schema data
-- all TEXT columns in views have "collate nocase" attached to the output
-- columns to ensure that where conditions on retrievals are not case sensitive
-- Column Names in views defined so as to not conflict with keywords to ensure
-- quoting when using views is not required

drop view if exists SysIndexColumns;
drop view if exists SysIndexes;
drop view if exists SysColumns;
drop view if exists SysObjects;

create view if not exists SysObjects
with table1
  as (select group_concat('select ''' || name || ''' as schema, type, name from 
' || name || '.sqlite_master', ' union ') as sql
        from pragma_database_list),
  as (select eval(sql, ';') || ';' as s from table1),
     table3 (t, token, remainder)
  as (select 0, '', s
        from table2
      select t+1,
             substr(remainder, 1, instr(remainder, ';') - 1),
             substr(remainder, instr(remainder, ';') + 1)
        from table3
       where length(remainder) > 0),
     table4 (r, c, token)
  as (select (t - 1) / 3,
             (t - 1) % 3,
        from table3
       where t > 0)
select (select token from table4 where r = row and c = 0) as ObjectSchema,
       (select token from table4 where r = row and c = 1) as ObjectType,
       (select token from table4 where r = row and c = 2) as ObjectName
  from (select distinct r as row from table4);

create view if not exists SysColumns
select ObjectSchema     collate nocase,
       ObjectType       collate nocase,
       ObjectName       collate nocase,
       ColumnID         collate nocase,
       ColumnName       collate nocase,
       Type             collate nocase,
       Affinity         collate nocase,
from (
        select ObjectSchema,
               cid          as ColumnID,
               name         as ColumnName,
               type         as Type,
               --- Affinity Rules from 
Section 3.1
               case when trim(type) = ''                then 'Blob'
                    when instr(UPPER(type), 'INT')  > 0 then 'Integer'
                    when instr(UPPER(type), 'CLOB') > 0 then 'Text'
                    when instr(UPPER(type), 'CHAR') > 0 then 'Text'
                    when instr(UPPER(type), 'TEXT') > 0 then 'Text'
                    when instr(UPPER(type), 'BLOB') > 0 then 'Blob'
                    when instr(UPPER(type), 'REAL') > 0 then 'Real'
                    when instr(UPPER(type), 'FLOA') > 0 then 'Real'
                    when instr(UPPER(type), 'DOUB') > 0 then 'Real'
                                                        else 'Numeric'
                end         as Affinity,
               "notnull"    as isNotNull,
               dflt_value   as DefaultValue,
               pk           as isPrimaryKey,
               Hidden       as isHidden
          from SysObjects
    cross join pragma_table_xinfo
         where arg = ObjectName
           and schema = ObjectSchema
           and ObjectType in ('table', 'view')

create view if not exists SysIndexes
select ObjectSchema     collate nocase,
       ObjectType       collate nocase,
       ObjectName       collate nocase,
       IndexName        collate nocase,
       IndexOrigin      collate nocase,
  from (
        select ObjectSchema,
               name         as IndexName,
               seq          as IndexID,
               "unique"     as isUniqueIndex,
               origin       as IndexOrigin,
               partial      as isPartialIndex
          from SysObjects
    cross join pragma_index_list
         where arg = ObjectName
           and schema = ObjectSchema
           and ObjectType = 'table'

create view if not exists SysIndexColumns
select ObjectSchema         collate nocase,
       ObjectType           collate nocase,
       ObjectName           collate nocase,
       IndexName            collate nocase,
       ColumnName           collate nocase,
       Collation            collate nocase,
  from (
        select ObjectSchema,
               seqno        as IndexColumnSequence,
               cid          as ColumnID,
               name         as ColumnName,
               "desc"       as isDescendingOrder,
               coll         as Collation,
               key          as isPartOfKey
          from SysIndexes
    cross join pragma_index_xinfo
         where arg = IndexName
           and schema = ObjectSchema

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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