One big issue is that in general (as I remember right) pragmas generally affect 
the connection, not the database itself, so shouldn’t change how the schema is 
interpreted, or another connection (or before issuing the pragma) might 
interpret things differently and possibly see the database as somehow corrupt 
or be able to corrupt the database.

> On Jul 19, 2019, at 1:44 PM, Thomas Kurz <> wrote:
> Imho it would be helpful (especially for newbies that don't know the full 
> history of SQLite) to have a "PRAGMA strict_mode" or similar, to disable all 
> kinds of historical bugs. They might be relevant for existing applications 
> but in no way for newly created ones. Among the things to consider should be:
> - PRIMARY KEY = UNIQUE NOT NULL (what I have learned now *g*)
> - enable FOREIGN KEY constraints (I know there is already a pragma, but imho 
> it should be included)
> - strict type enforcement
> - disable the use of double quotes for strings
> - default to WITHOUT ROWID
> ...and probably many more I don't know about ;-)

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