Hi Richard, and others,

A neat little program with added in the context of Fossil SCM,
which asserts the version of the SQLite library used, and which
compile time option were used to compile it (statically or not, for that

See https://fossil-scm.org/fossil/info/350c627a52908458

I think both would make fine enhancements to the CLI, are command line
options or dot-commands (or both). Checking options would be a text-to-int
converter for compile-time options of course.

If the CLI is linked statically, asserts itself.
If linked dynamically, asserts the shared-lib it's using.

The CLI is often used directly, e.g. forked from a different program,
and the ability to assert a minimum version and/or compile time options
would avoid weird errors, in favor of clear requirement failure ones.

My $0.02. --DD
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