On 8/30/19 9:11 AM, Alexander Gabriel wrote:
> Hi
> I do this:
>    - restart windows10 or macOS and log in (to guarantee no other process
>    is using sqlite3)
>    - cd to the folder where sqlite3 v3.29.0 is contained
>    - type `sqlite3` (windows 10) or `./sqlite3` (macOS) to start sqlite3
>    - type `.open test`, followed by `.save test`
> Result: `Error: database is locked`
> What am I doing wrong?
> How can I change configuration if I can never save changes?
> The only time I can save without an error is when I `.save test2` without
> having opened it before.
> Alex

Databases are different than things like Word Documents. When you issue
command that modify the database, the database on disk is immediately
changed (subject to being in a transaction that can be rolled back), so
you don't need to 'save' a database after working with it. The 'Save'
command is basically similar to the 'Save As' command for a document.

Since the database is current open, trying to save back over the
original copy can't be done, as it is open for reading, and also doesn't
need to be done.

Richard Damon

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