On 3 Sep 2019, at 7:41am, Vadiraj Villivalam 
<vadiraj.villiva...@motorolasolutions.com> wrote:

> As the key store does not allow the key
> itself to be exported out, I would like to know if sqlite has a mechanism to 
> leverage the key store way of en/decrypting it (could be with a callback 
> implemented by app that interfaces with Android keystore)? Any insight will 
> help.

Can you write code in C/C++ to retrieve the key from the key store ?  If so, 
you can provide the key to SQLite by creating your own SQLite function which 
does that.


In your case, the function can ignore any argumnets.  Or perhaps you could pass 
the key for your encryption hash.

I've found it difficult to find examples of this on the web.  Perhaps if you 
tell us your programming language someone else can find one.  Or perhaps this 
will do:

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