On 26 Nov 2019, at 1:37pm, Luca Scurati <lucascurati2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to create a program that communicates with a SQLite database 
> encrypted by a password. If I try with a db without any password it work, but 
> with a database with password, after connecting, when executing the query it 
> gives the error "File is not a database" I've tried both with 
> Microsoft.Data.Sqlite and with System.Data.SQLite.

Can it read the database correctly using any tool at all ?  In other words, are 
you certain that the password is correct ?

Which encryption method is used ?  Is it the Microsoft-only one, or SEE, or 
something else ?

How are you specifying the password ?  (Make sure you don't paste the real 
password into your reply !)

System.Data.SQLite uses a Microsoft-only form of encryption.  In other words, 
if you have a database made with the supported SEE encryption method, it can't 
open it.
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