Hi all,

I am trying to create a fully automated auto suggestion feature for my 
web application for sqlite.

Currently this is going well, but I realized there are to many features 
in sqlite to hardcode this, so it will be near impossible and take a lot 
off time. The diagrams on the site of sqlite, for example the select 
statement https://sqlite.org/syntax/select-stmt.html, is there an API to 
get this information in a format that is not an image?

I really want to make the auto suggestions very specific:

A very basic SELECT statement without all the complicated stuff: SELECT 
column, column, ... FROM table_name WHERE clause, ...

After "SELECT" is typed I only show columns in the auto suggestions, if 
a "," is typed I again show only column names, if there is no column I 
show only "FROM", after "FROM" I show only table_names, ....

Please do not feel obligated to answer this question, if you do this is 
much appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Laurent Dhont

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